Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buddha: พระพุทธรูป

This is a big Budda in Wat Prazanimit. I moved to Charlotte in mid June from San Antonio, Texas. I moved from a big town to a smaller town as Charlotte, NC. I like it here so far. First thing when I moved here, I tried to find Asia market and Thai Temple. First I didn't find Thai Temple, but I found Asia market. That was a good sign for me to find Thai Temple. After that I asked a lady who owned the Asian market where the Thai temple was located at. As soon as I knew, I went to Thai Temple rightaway. This big Budda is a first thing that I pray. After that I went to Thai Temple and meet many nice Thai-Laos people in Charlotte.

Songkran day in Charlotte1

Five years is coming up for me in the USA, but this was my first Songkran. I had so much fun. There were many Thai-Laos and other Buddhist people gather for Songkran festiva. I bought some Asian things for my self, eat Asian food, and watched Thai and Lao dances. That was a great day!

Songkran day in Charlotte2

Everyone dance so beautiful. Great job everyone!

Saturday, November 10, 2007